Tuesday, September 13, 2022

 Sat 9/10

Can’t believe we’ve been gone a week   already!  Market day in front of the hotel… like Milan. Our route talk got delayed cause  the route changed and everyone had to redownload… no easy task on Italian Wi-Fi!

Today’s bike trails were just that- trails that at some points looked like cow paths. 

We stopped for picture taking to appreciate our last views of the Dolomites. 

Ciao Ciao, Dolomites!

Rolling hills and sporadic gravel wore me out. The rest stop was scheduled at 13.3 miles and I could’ve sworn  I had already done 30!   

I have to perfect my climbs - when I’m in “granny gear” I feel better just getting off and walking!  Love those downhills though! We cycled along valleys and passed castles and ancient churches thru villages that reminded me of Quaglietta and Terre Nove. Felt like home.  This is the preeminent area for prosecco.  The hillsides are laden with the vines of the Glera grape, from which it is made. The last stretch before lunch was through corn fields and great expanses of green. Beautiful, really. 

What truly impressed me about this area we’ve been riding through is the low water level of all the rivers. You can actually see how wide the rivers used to be. They are still running, however diminished. Makes me ask “what are we doing to our planet”?

We stopped in Busche for a cheese tasting lunch. We had about 5 different cheeses, all explained to us by the director. Lenny looked them up and these tasty morsels can be found in Little Italy, at  di Paolo’s no less!

I decided to call it quits after lunch. It was already near 3 o’clock and there was another 28 miles to go! AND the last 5 km to the hotel is straight up… no thanks!

The hotel was the old town hall, called Vecchio Municipio (the old town hall) in Valdobbiadene.  Dinner was had at a local farm house and winery for a Prosecco wine tasting.  There had to be at least 5 different types  - who knew?  The food was delicious, and plentiful -however, by now, we were all looking forward to a plate of pasta - not to be had!  Risotto again - and Prosecco risotto at that!

Ready for Prosecco!!


Clara said...

I’m glad you took the van at the end. You can still enjoy the views. They are beautiful. And I love risotto

Caryl said...

What an adventure!! Let’s make a date to go to little Italy and get some of that cheese!!!