Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Sunday 9/11

Pausing for a moment of remembrance, we then went on to have our route talk.  Our ride today would be 37 miles, through the cities of Asolo to Maser ending in Treviso.  The official itinerary said the terrain would be easy - well - somewhat after 2 crazy uphills!  Rosita spoke about the points of interest along the way, and what a great town Asolo was to stop and have a cappuccino.  Honestly, after the climb INTO town, there was no way we were stopping. 

This is looking down...I walked!

After getting out of the city, we got our second wind, but somehow we were always riding with the "sweep", Rosita.  There is a bike trail that extends from Munich to Venice.  Each town had decorative bicycles painted different colors, supposedly to express support and welcome to the cyclists.

Eventually, the ride took us along a canal that was absolutely beautiful!  It was so enjoyable, 7 miles of bucolic bliss.  Ducks, some fishing, sporadic rushing falls on one side, and vineyards or corn on the other!  I wanted to do it again!!

Treviso is a major city, with the rivers Sile and Cagnan winding their way through its' center.  Our hotel was the San Nicole, the proprietor, Pietro.  He was a card.  He insisted on calling me Carmela!  He actually eyed us up and down, before deciding what room to put us in!  It was a small hotel, and each room was decorated for a different place Pietro had traveled.  We think he was eyeing us up based on how big the showers were in each room!  Len and I were quartered in "Mumbai'".  Sequined framed tapestries of elephants and tigers - a headboard that was something out of Aladdin! Then Pietro comes in to show us his "gong" from the Dahli Lama...a real character!

After we cleaned up, we made our way to the Piazza dei Signor where we refreshed with an Aperol spritz.  Rosita and Miriam met us in the square, and we walked to a great restaurant where we feasted yet again.  We asked to see the chef - he was shy - and we gave him a round of applause.

We strolled back to the hotel, enjoying the lovely moonlit evening.  Tomorrow - VENICE!!!


Darlene said...

Sounds like a wonderful day

Marie said...

In the jungle the mighty jungle……..